Fuel Tank for BAJA SAE Program


Fuel Tank for BAJA SAE Program

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Baja SAE Spec 6061.125 Aluminum tank with baffle, 2.5″ Aluminum bung, filler cap Kelch 225 vented, and 3/16″ Hose Barb.

Tank is Clear Type II Anodized & Approved for use in Baja SAE Series.

Download Drawing PDF : Baja_SAE_Fuel_Tank_Rev_NC

Pyrotect is Also Offering a 20% Discount on Safety Equipment for all SAE Students.

Using Coupon Code “BAJASAE” During checkout!

Below are the Safety equipment SAE requires, and the associated certifications per the rule book. 

Harness: SFI 16.1/16.5 or FIA 8853/98 rated 5+ point, latch & link style, 3″ wide straps. Anti-sub 2″ wide strap. Separate shoulder belts only. SFI labels on at least 1 shoulder belt, 1 lap belt, and the anti-subs.

Arm Restraints: separated restraints only. SFI 3.3 rated and labeled (labels on both restraints), date of manufacture labels, or valid until labels.

Helmet: M2015 or M2020 Snell Rated motocross style with chin guard only.

Neck support: SFI 3.3 rated and labeled with date of manufacture or Valid until label. Full-circle collar/support only.

Gloves: SFI or FIA

Shoes: SFI or FIA

Upper Garment: SFI 3.2, 3.3, or FIA 8856-2000 labeled.

Lower Garment: cotton/natural material long pants. SFI/FIA/NFPA rated also permitted but not required.





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